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Solutions and Services
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Solutions and Services
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Solutions and Services
We are committed to shaping bespoke credit risk solutions that enable financial operators to solve complex matters. We create new opportunities by providing specialized and flexible operations backed up by an excellent risk assessment approach.
Service Capabilities
Mortgage Insurance
Structured Risk Solutions
Qualis offers wing to wing services, including:
Sourcing & structuring
unique skills and relationships in EU banking industry at most senior levels
Pricing, Capital Modelling, Portfolio Monitoring
Credit Operations & Loss Mitigation
Fully developed,
bespoke data warehouse system
with IT change management resource
Full suite of MI
on book performance, audit results, referrals, production & pipeline, market trends & economic analysis
Experienced back office
support in Legal, Compliance, Regulatory, Government Relations & Corporate Governance
Risk Underwriting
both insurance and banking background resources; rating agency–like due diligence and audit capabilities
Risk Assessment
Credit Policy DD
Loss Mitigation DD
Technical Pricing
Portfolio Cover Structuring
Loan Underwriting
Lender Training
Data Implementation
T&C Negotiation
Policy Implementation
Risk Management
Portfolio Analysis
Risk Consulting & Benchmarking
Quality Assurance Audits
Risk and Reserves reports
Loss Mitigation
Collections & Arrears Management
Predictive Analysis & Loss Mitigation
Claims Handling
What is Mortgage Insurance?
Our mortgage insurance solutions enable opportunities to promote financial sustainability and a green environment. We deliver responsible lending through the market's specific needs, working and engaging with our customers' interests to ensure affordability and transparency to support them in achieving sustainable goals. With a special focus on the younger generation and low deposit mortgages, our mortgage insurance solutions are designed to support banks and financial institutions, building societies to support homeownership in a greener environment.
Benefits of Mortgage Insurance
Enable and increase homeownership:
Reduce net losses on new originations.
Increase the product innovation.
Give business and commercial continuity, supporting lenders in serving the market adequately.
What are Structured Risk Solutions?
Our structured risk solutions offer banks a very effective capital optimization and risk transfer tool that allows them to reduce their risk-weighted assets at a very competitive cost. Banks then have access to alternative and cheaper sources of capital that can effectively deploy to new lending. The ESG component is explicitly embedded in our solutions.
How It Works
Portfolio cover via synthetic securitization of mortgage portfolios (junior and/or mezzanine tranches) or reinsurance of captive insurers that hold the mortgage risk (typically XoL reinsurance).
Benefits of Structured Risk Solutions
Capital and balance sheet optimization and balance
Cost-effective execution of Significant Risk Transfer (SRT) transactions
Higher risk-adjusted return on the existing portfolios
New capital available to support profitable/sustainable growth